
Tools of the Trade!
All artists need quality paint brushes in varying sizes for watercolor, oil, gouache, and acrylic to do exceptional work.
Brushes are an artists tools of the trade. They come in many different sizes and shapes used for different types of mediums. Look for quality manufacturers when purchasing artists paint brushes like da Vinci, Richeson, Kolinsky, Alvin, Winsor and Newton, and Nicole. Watercolor brushes with short hairs and long handles work best. The da Vinci brushes are top quality made from red sable for the very serious artist. Kolinsky brushes are made from sable too.
Types of Art Brushes:
Individual Brushes & Brush Sets
The proper tools are an absolute necessity for creating beautiful and lasting works. Your paint set simply isn't complete without an array of proper brushes with which to compose. Luckily, we have a wide range of styles and sizes to suit every brush need that you may have. For the beginner, a set may be just the thing to get you started on your journey into the art of painting. For the more experienced, we have divided our brushes into several helpful categories to keep your supply shopping convenient and easy.
No artist can do her work without the proper tools; brushes are a necessity for the painter and we have a wide selection of them to suit your every need.
The one-brush painter is a fallacy. Can you imagine a mechanic working on your car with just one socket wrench or a surgeon working with just one needle? There are many phases to the creation of a painting and almost every one requires a different tool. For the painter, the success in selecting the right tool may help fulfill the desire to create and help a new painter start a lifelong journey of creative enjoyment.
We carry the brushes we personally use and recommend:
The legend of Kolinsky Brushes speaks for itself.
We are especially proud of our full range of the highest-quality Artist Brushes in all shapes and sizes from da Vinci Brushes!
We are also showing our personal favorites from the Winsor & Newton collection of high quality artist's brushes. We find them to be perfectly comparable to their sister line of sable brushes, yet much more durable, easier to maintain and less expensive. TRULY EXCELLENT QUALITY FOR LONG TERM USE!
We've added to our mix Brushes by other top companies such as Daler-Rowney, Richeson and Alvin.
The Silver Brush Master Sets are stunning!
We like using the Nicole brushes for a less expensive replacement or student brush.
Long handles are traditional for oil painting, and are appreciated by professional artists, however, they are not necessary. Short handle brushes accomplish the same effect.
Brush Accessories are listed below as well for your convenience.
AVAILABILITY: Usually ships the same business day.
Synthetic brushes have their definite benefits and advantages in the artist studio. They are usually less expensive than natural hair brushes. They are less prone to damage caused by solvents. They are easier to clean because they don't have the animal cell structure that can trap paint and other liquids. They are more durable. They are suitable for watercolors, acrylics and oils.
Numbered Size System for Art Brushes
The numbers on artist brushes represent both the diameter of the hairs on the brush as well as the length of the hair. And, most artist brush manufacturers adhere to the same standards, so a size 2 round brush will almost always be 3/32" in diameter and 7/16" long no matter who made the brush. Flat brushes also conform to a number system, but instead of diameter, width is measured. So a size 2 flat art brush is 7/32" wide with a 1/2" length. In the studio, it may sometimes be difficult to see by eye the difference between a 00000 brush and a 0000 brush, so being able to read the brush size on your brush can make it easier to pick out the right tool for the effect you need.
Caring For Paint Brushes
Sometimes, the last thing you feel like doing after a long painting session is cleaning up. But the proper care of your brushes is a chore that should really be taken seriously. Keeping your brushes in good shape not only enhances your creativity, but will save you from having to buy the same brushes over and over again. This savings could allow you to buy and experiment with new sizes and shapes, giving you the ability to expand your creative horizons.
Paint Brushes
If you are a painter, your paint brushes are the physical extension of your creativity and can be your most prized possessions. Its important to learn how to care for your brushes properly - how to clean them, how to store them and the various styles of brushes you need to achieve the effect you are after. is full of important information about your paint brushes and art supplies.
Artis Brush Characteristics
Even the novice painter learns quickly about the qualities of sable brushes, but information on some of the lesser-known brush materials is sometimes hard to find. Squirrel hair is very absorbent, so it can hold a lot of paint. Their very fine hairs leave a smooth and streak-free stroke. Ox hair is very strong, but without a fine tip. Goat hair is also very soft and good for blending or softening edges. Bristle comes from the ear of a pig and is good for textured surfaces like canvas, unfinished wood or concrete.
How to take care of art brushes.
Looking for brush tips? First of all, it is important to take care of your brushes just like all your other art equipment!
Good, well kept brushes will have a much longer life and be far more pleasant to work with if the following very simple rules are followed:
Always clean brushes immediately after use.
Never leave brushes resting on their bristles or hairs
Shape up the hairs after cleaning.
If storing brushes for any length of time, make sure they are clean and perfectly dry before putting them away in a box with a tight fitting lid.
Painting With The Right Brushes
Selecting the right tools for the right job is critical to the success and enjoyment of your painting project. And there are three areas of concern to consider when selecting your brush. The type of paint you will be using, its composition, the necessity of solvent, and viscosity is one. Next think about your surface and its texture, firmness and absorbency. And finally, the technique you will use and the your desired effect. Do you want a highly textured surface or do you want your strokes to disappear? Always pick your brushes with the careful thought and consideration of the final product and the other materials (paint and surface) that you will be working with.
About Paint Brushes
Useful brush tips: The one-brush painter is a fallacy. There are many phases to the creation of a painting and almost every one requires a different tool. Those tools include different sizes, shapes and styles of paintbrushes. Can you imagine a mechanic working on your car with just one socket wrench or a surgeon working with just one needle?
There are many phases to the creation of a painting and almost every one requires a different tool. For the painter, the success in selecting the right tool may help fulfill the desire to create and help a new painter start a lifelong journey of creative enjoyment. For the painter, the success in selecting the right paintbrush may help a new painter start a lifelong journey of creative enjoyment. Choosing the right tool for the job can make all the difference.
Camel Brushes
Since most brushes are named for the animal from which the hair comes, most people might assume that a camel brush comes from camel hair. But it doesn't. A camel doesn't have enough hair for brushes. Camel brushes come from all the leftover hair in making brushes to eliminate waste. This mixed hair brush was named camel. Students and schools are the most popular users.
Reviving Dried Brushes
There is a very simple, low-tech way to clean and revive them. Soak in laundry fabric softener until soft (as long as needed,) and then wash out with soap &water.
Paint Brush Parts
Artist paint brushes are always made of three components, the tuft, ferrule and handle. The tuft is what holds and applies your paint and is made of natural hair, synthetic fibers or sometimes both. The ferrule is what holds the tuft to the handle. A good ferrule is made of non-reactive metal and is seamless. Good quality handles are made of hardwood.
Paint Brush Shapes
In addition to considering the material your brush is made of, it's equally important to know the different shapes brushes come in. Here are just a few. Blenders are fan and round shapes used to blend and smooth paints. Brights are short and flat and work best with thick paint. Filberts are flat brushes with a curved end and are good for hiding brush strokes. Riggers are round brushes with long hair shaped to a chisel tip most often used for lettering and watercolor painting.
Holding Your Paint Brush
It's only natural to assume that one holds a paintbrush the same as you would hold a pen or pencil. But this is a limiting habit. Holding the paintbrush close to the ferrule limits the movement your hand and arm can make, thereby limiting the type of marks you can produce. Holding your brush like a pen is good for making precise marks. But experiment with holding your brush farther down on the handle and using your arm and shoulder, not just your wrist. This will help you achieve more flowing, broader marks. Long handled brushes are great for trying out this technique.
Types Of Artist Paint Brushes
Walk into any art supply store to purchase a brush and you'll be faced with an incredible array of sizes, shapes, and hair materials. So how is one to know what to choose? It will take time to get to know the different types of brushes and a good art supply outlet will be able to give you advice. But as a primer, the different animal hairs you'll be able to choose from are kolinsky, red sable, squirrel, ox, goat, camel, pig or bristle, weasel, fitch, mongoose and badger.
Artist Brush Care
Always show respect for your brushes by giving them the care they so rightly deserve. Always clean your brushes immediately after use. Don't let them stand in water or cleaning solvents for any length of time. The liquid will leach into the handle and swell the wood, chipping the paint on the handle. And always store them flat or with the ferrules up. If you are storing a brush for a long period of time, a light does of hair spray will help them keep their shape over time.
Caring for your Brushes
Paint brushes are an investment, and you want to get the most for your money you possibly can. If you care for it properly, a good brush will serve you for many years. Here are a few ways you can protect your investment, and avoid having to replace your brushes before they've reached their life expectancy.
• Clean your brushes as soon as you are finished painting. Paint of any type, even water-based paint, should never be allowed to dry in a brush. If needed, use a formulated brush cleaner to remove paint from hair. Then use soap and warm water, rinse thoroughly and reshape.
• Between use, soak your brushes in water or solvent to keep the paint from drying in the hair. A brush holder that will hold the brushes suspended in the liquid, without crushing the hair, is an excellent investment.
• Brushes should dry in an upright position to protect the shape. Allow your brushes to dry thoroughly before storing them in a closed container. A storage container made just for brushes is ideal, but a tool box with a separate compartment for brushes will also work well. Don’t store your brushes in such a manner that the hair will be bent or have paints and other materials resting on top of them.
• Keep your brush handles dry. Even the finest brush handles will loosen and crack when left soaking. Fill your water or solvent container so that it just covers the brush head, and that the handle does not get wet.
• Don’t use watercolor brushes in acrylics or oils and expect them to deliver the same performance afterwards - they won’t. You can use watercolor brushes with other mediums, but don’t switch back and forth.
• Don’t use expensive natural hair brushes on rough surfaces, including rough or textured canvas, or they will wear out very quickly. Synthetics are more suited to these surfaces, and less costly to replace when they wear out.
• Condition your Natural Hair brushes. Lard oil is our recommendation. It’s inexpensive, found in any good hardware store and is just what a brush needs after weeks of painting on rough surfaces, and being cleaned with solvents. To rejuvenate your brushes, spread out an old Turkish towel or other heavy rag, lay down your brushes with heads all pointing in one direction, then put a drop or two of oil on each brush head. Gently work the oil into the hair and wrap the brushes up in the towel (do not bend brush heads). Leave it so for two weeks and your brushes will be newly conditioned! Wash brushes gently and they are ready to paint.
Artist Brush Care
Is there a proper way to clean and store paint brushes?
If you have invested in quality paint brushes you should give them they care they deserve. Clean your brushes as soon as you have finished using them. Do not ever allow your brushes to stand in cleaning solvents or water for days on end. These liquids can get into the handle of your paint brushes and cause them to swell and chip. You should always store your paint brushes flat or with the bristles up. If you are storing your paint brushes away indefinitely you should apply a light coat of hair spray to them to help them maintain their shape.
Reviving Dried Brushes
Is there any way to get dried acrylic paint out of your brush?
If you are tired of dealing with dried out paint brushes you can revive them. Simply soak your dried out paint brushes in fabric softener and they will become soft again. Once your brushes have finished soaking wash them with soap and water.
Artist Brush Characteristics
What are the characteristics of the different types of brushes?
Most every painter is familiar with sable brushes. However, many painters are confused about lesser known brushes. Here are a few brushes that you may want to test out.
• Squirrel hair brushes are very absorbent and they can hold a great deal of paint. Squirrel hair brushes are very fine and smooth which means you can have a streak free paint stroke.
• Ox hair brushes are very strong, yet they do not have a fine tip that many painters need.
• Goat hair brushes are very soft and they work well for blending or making soft edges.
Camel Brushes
What is a camel brush?
Most paint brushes are named after the hair of the animal that is used to make the brush. That is why many people assume that a camel brush is made out of camel hair. It should be noted that camel brushes are not made out of camel hair. They are made out of a mixture of different animal hair. Camel brushes are simply made out of leftover hair as a means of eliminating waste. Camel brushes are most often used in schools.
Holding Your Paint Brush
How do you hold a paint brush?
New painters often make the mistake of holding their paintbrushes like a pencil or pen. This method of holding the paintbrush greatly limits their ability to produce different marks. You should try to hold your paintbrush farther down on the handle. When you are painting you should allow your wrist, arm and shoulder to move. This will allow you to make broader, more flowing marks on the canvas.
Paint Brush Parts
What are the different parts of a paint brush?
If you are new to painting you may be unfamiliar with the terminology used for the three components of the paint brush.
• Tuft: This is the area of the brush that contains the hair or synthetic fibers.
• Ferrule: This is what holds the handle and the tuft together. This area is made out of metal and should be seamless.
• Handle: A high quality paintbrush handle should be made out of hardwood.
Paint Brush Shapes
What are the uses of the different paint brush shapes?
Paint brushes come in many different brush shapes. Which one you use will be dependent upon what you are trying to achieve on the canvass.
• Blenders: This is a fan and round shaped brush that is used to smooth and blend paints together.
• Brights: This is a flat and short brush that is best used with thick paint.
• Filberts: This is a flat brush that has a curved end. This is the brush you would choose if you want to hide brush strokes.
• Riggers: This is a round brush that has long hair that is shaped into a chisel tip. This brush is most often used for watercolor painting or for making letters
Synthetic Artist Brushes
Are synthetic brushes good?
If you are looking for a brush that can stand up to solvents you should consider synthetic brushes. Synthetic brushes are less expensive that natural hair brushes and they are much easier to clean than natural hair brushes. Synthetic hair brushes are very durable and can be used with oil, acrylic or watercolor paints.
No artist can do her work without the proper tools; brushes are a necessity for the painter and we have a wide selection of them to suit your every need.
The one-brush painter is a fallacy. Can you imagine a mechanic working on your car with just one socket wrench or a surgeon working with just one needle? There are many phases to the creation of a painting and almost every one requires a different tool. For the painter, the success in selecting the right tool may help fulfill the desire to create and help a new painter start a lifelong journey of creative enjoyment.
We carry the brushes we personally use and recommend:
The legend of Kolinsky Brushes speaks for itself.
We are especially proud of our full range of the highest-quality Artist Brushes in all shapes and sizes from da Vinci Brushes!
We are also showing our personal favorites from the Winsor & Newton collection of high quality artist's brushes. We find them to be perfectly comparable to their sister line of sable brushes, yet much more durable, easier to maintain and less expensive. TRULY EXCELLENT QUALITY FOR LONG TERM USE!
We've added to our mix Brushes by other top companies such as Daler-Rowney, Richeson and Alvin.
The Silver Brush Master Sets are stunning!
We like using the Nicole brushes for a less expensive replacement or student brush.
Long handles are traditional for oil painting, and are appreciated by professional artists, however, they are not necessary. Short handle brushes accomplish the same effect.
Brush Accessories are listed below as well for your convenience.
AVAILABILITY: Usually ships the same business day.
Artist Brush Tips:
Synthetic brushes have their definite benefits and advantages in the artist studio. They are usually less expensive than natural hair brushes. They are less prone to damage caused by solvents. They are easier to clean because they don't have the animal cell structure that can trap paint and other liquids. They are more durable. They are suitable for watercolors, acrylics and oils.
Numbered Size System for Art Brushes
The numbers on artist brushes represent both the diameter of the hairs on the brush as well as the length of the hair. And, most artist brush manufacturers adhere to the same standards, so a size 2 round brush will almost always be 3/32" in diameter and 7/16" long no matter who made the brush. Flat brushes also conform to a number system, but instead of diameter, width is measured. So a size 2 flat art brush is 7/32" wide with a 1/2" length. In the studio, it may sometimes be difficult to see by eye the difference between a 00000 brush and a 0000 brush, so being able to read the brush size on your brush can make it easier to pick out the right tool for the effect you need.
Caring For Paint Brushes
Sometimes, the last thing you feel like doing after a long painting session is cleaning up. But the proper care of your brushes is a chore that should really be taken seriously. Keeping your brushes in good shape not only enhances your creativity, but will save you from having to buy the same brushes over and over again. This savings could allow you to buy and experiment with new sizes and shapes, giving you the ability to expand your creative horizons.
Paint Brushes
If you are a painter, your paint brushes are the physical extension of your creativity and can be your most prized possessions. Its important to learn how to care for your brushes properly - how to clean them, how to store them and the various styles of brushes you need to achieve the effect you are after. is full of important information about your paint brushes and art supplies.
Artis Brush Characteristics
Even the novice painter learns quickly about the qualities of sable brushes, but information on some of the lesser-known brush materials is sometimes hard to find. Squirrel hair is very absorbent, so it can hold a lot of paint. Their very fine hairs leave a smooth and streak-free stroke. Ox hair is very strong, but without a fine tip. Goat hair is also very soft and good for blending or softening edges. Bristle comes from the ear of a pig and is good for textured surfaces like canvas, unfinished wood or concrete.
How to take care of art brushes.
Looking for brush tips? First of all, it is important to take care of your brushes just like all your other art equipment!
Good, well kept brushes will have a much longer life and be far more pleasant to work with if the following very simple rules are followed:
Always clean brushes immediately after use.
Never leave brushes resting on their bristles or hairs
Shape up the hairs after cleaning.
If storing brushes for any length of time, make sure they are clean and perfectly dry before putting them away in a box with a tight fitting lid.
Painting With The Right Brushes
Selecting the right tools for the right job is critical to the success and enjoyment of your painting project. And there are three areas of concern to consider when selecting your brush. The type of paint you will be using, its composition, the necessity of solvent, and viscosity is one. Next think about your surface and its texture, firmness and absorbency. And finally, the technique you will use and the your desired effect. Do you want a highly textured surface or do you want your strokes to disappear? Always pick your brushes with the careful thought and consideration of the final product and the other materials (paint and surface) that you will be working with.
About Paint Brushes
Useful brush tips: The one-brush painter is a fallacy. There are many phases to the creation of a painting and almost every one requires a different tool. Those tools include different sizes, shapes and styles of paintbrushes. Can you imagine a mechanic working on your car with just one socket wrench or a surgeon working with just one needle?
There are many phases to the creation of a painting and almost every one requires a different tool. For the painter, the success in selecting the right tool may help fulfill the desire to create and help a new painter start a lifelong journey of creative enjoyment. For the painter, the success in selecting the right paintbrush may help a new painter start a lifelong journey of creative enjoyment. Choosing the right tool for the job can make all the difference.
Camel Brushes
Since most brushes are named for the animal from which the hair comes, most people might assume that a camel brush comes from camel hair. But it doesn't. A camel doesn't have enough hair for brushes. Camel brushes come from all the leftover hair in making brushes to eliminate waste. This mixed hair brush was named camel. Students and schools are the most popular users.
Reviving Dried Brushes
There is a very simple, low-tech way to clean and revive them. Soak in laundry fabric softener until soft (as long as needed,) and then wash out with soap &water.
Paint Brush Parts
Artist paint brushes are always made of three components, the tuft, ferrule and handle. The tuft is what holds and applies your paint and is made of natural hair, synthetic fibers or sometimes both. The ferrule is what holds the tuft to the handle. A good ferrule is made of non-reactive metal and is seamless. Good quality handles are made of hardwood.
Paint Brush Shapes
In addition to considering the material your brush is made of, it's equally important to know the different shapes brushes come in. Here are just a few. Blenders are fan and round shapes used to blend and smooth paints. Brights are short and flat and work best with thick paint. Filberts are flat brushes with a curved end and are good for hiding brush strokes. Riggers are round brushes with long hair shaped to a chisel tip most often used for lettering and watercolor painting.
Holding Your Paint Brush
It's only natural to assume that one holds a paintbrush the same as you would hold a pen or pencil. But this is a limiting habit. Holding the paintbrush close to the ferrule limits the movement your hand and arm can make, thereby limiting the type of marks you can produce. Holding your brush like a pen is good for making precise marks. But experiment with holding your brush farther down on the handle and using your arm and shoulder, not just your wrist. This will help you achieve more flowing, broader marks. Long handled brushes are great for trying out this technique.
Types Of Artist Paint Brushes
Walk into any art supply store to purchase a brush and you'll be faced with an incredible array of sizes, shapes, and hair materials. So how is one to know what to choose? It will take time to get to know the different types of brushes and a good art supply outlet will be able to give you advice. But as a primer, the different animal hairs you'll be able to choose from are kolinsky, red sable, squirrel, ox, goat, camel, pig or bristle, weasel, fitch, mongoose and badger.
Artist Brush Care
Always show respect for your brushes by giving them the care they so rightly deserve. Always clean your brushes immediately after use. Don't let them stand in water or cleaning solvents for any length of time. The liquid will leach into the handle and swell the wood, chipping the paint on the handle. And always store them flat or with the ferrules up. If you are storing a brush for a long period of time, a light does of hair spray will help them keep their shape over time.
Caring for your Brushes
Paint brushes are an investment, and you want to get the most for your money you possibly can. If you care for it properly, a good brush will serve you for many years. Here are a few ways you can protect your investment, and avoid having to replace your brushes before they've reached their life expectancy.
• Clean your brushes as soon as you are finished painting. Paint of any type, even water-based paint, should never be allowed to dry in a brush. If needed, use a formulated brush cleaner to remove paint from hair. Then use soap and warm water, rinse thoroughly and reshape.
• Between use, soak your brushes in water or solvent to keep the paint from drying in the hair. A brush holder that will hold the brushes suspended in the liquid, without crushing the hair, is an excellent investment.
• Brushes should dry in an upright position to protect the shape. Allow your brushes to dry thoroughly before storing them in a closed container. A storage container made just for brushes is ideal, but a tool box with a separate compartment for brushes will also work well. Don’t store your brushes in such a manner that the hair will be bent or have paints and other materials resting on top of them.
• Keep your brush handles dry. Even the finest brush handles will loosen and crack when left soaking. Fill your water or solvent container so that it just covers the brush head, and that the handle does not get wet.
• Don’t use watercolor brushes in acrylics or oils and expect them to deliver the same performance afterwards - they won’t. You can use watercolor brushes with other mediums, but don’t switch back and forth.
• Don’t use expensive natural hair brushes on rough surfaces, including rough or textured canvas, or they will wear out very quickly. Synthetics are more suited to these surfaces, and less costly to replace when they wear out.
• Condition your Natural Hair brushes. Lard oil is our recommendation. It’s inexpensive, found in any good hardware store and is just what a brush needs after weeks of painting on rough surfaces, and being cleaned with solvents. To rejuvenate your brushes, spread out an old Turkish towel or other heavy rag, lay down your brushes with heads all pointing in one direction, then put a drop or two of oil on each brush head. Gently work the oil into the hair and wrap the brushes up in the towel (do not bend brush heads). Leave it so for two weeks and your brushes will be newly conditioned! Wash brushes gently and they are ready to paint.
Artist Brush Care
Is there a proper way to clean and store paint brushes?
If you have invested in quality paint brushes you should give them they care they deserve. Clean your brushes as soon as you have finished using them. Do not ever allow your brushes to stand in cleaning solvents or water for days on end. These liquids can get into the handle of your paint brushes and cause them to swell and chip. You should always store your paint brushes flat or with the bristles up. If you are storing your paint brushes away indefinitely you should apply a light coat of hair spray to them to help them maintain their shape.
Reviving Dried Brushes
Is there any way to get dried acrylic paint out of your brush?
If you are tired of dealing with dried out paint brushes you can revive them. Simply soak your dried out paint brushes in fabric softener and they will become soft again. Once your brushes have finished soaking wash them with soap and water.
Artist Brush Characteristics
What are the characteristics of the different types of brushes?
Most every painter is familiar with sable brushes. However, many painters are confused about lesser known brushes. Here are a few brushes that you may want to test out.
• Squirrel hair brushes are very absorbent and they can hold a great deal of paint. Squirrel hair brushes are very fine and smooth which means you can have a streak free paint stroke.
• Ox hair brushes are very strong, yet they do not have a fine tip that many painters need.
• Goat hair brushes are very soft and they work well for blending or making soft edges.
Camel Brushes
What is a camel brush?
Most paint brushes are named after the hair of the animal that is used to make the brush. That is why many people assume that a camel brush is made out of camel hair. It should be noted that camel brushes are not made out of camel hair. They are made out of a mixture of different animal hair. Camel brushes are simply made out of leftover hair as a means of eliminating waste. Camel brushes are most often used in schools.
Holding Your Paint Brush
How do you hold a paint brush?
New painters often make the mistake of holding their paintbrushes like a pencil or pen. This method of holding the paintbrush greatly limits their ability to produce different marks. You should try to hold your paintbrush farther down on the handle. When you are painting you should allow your wrist, arm and shoulder to move. This will allow you to make broader, more flowing marks on the canvas.
Paint Brush Parts
What are the different parts of a paint brush?
If you are new to painting you may be unfamiliar with the terminology used for the three components of the paint brush.
• Tuft: This is the area of the brush that contains the hair or synthetic fibers.
• Ferrule: This is what holds the handle and the tuft together. This area is made out of metal and should be seamless.
• Handle: A high quality paintbrush handle should be made out of hardwood.
Paint Brush Shapes
What are the uses of the different paint brush shapes?
Paint brushes come in many different brush shapes. Which one you use will be dependent upon what you are trying to achieve on the canvass.
• Blenders: This is a fan and round shaped brush that is used to smooth and blend paints together.
• Brights: This is a flat and short brush that is best used with thick paint.
• Filberts: This is a flat brush that has a curved end. This is the brush you would choose if you want to hide brush strokes.
• Riggers: This is a round brush that has long hair that is shaped into a chisel tip. This brush is most often used for watercolor painting or for making letters
Synthetic Artist Brushes
Are synthetic brushes good?
If you are looking for a brush that can stand up to solvents you should consider synthetic brushes. Synthetic brushes are less expensive that natural hair brushes and they are much easier to clean than natural hair brushes. Synthetic hair brushes are very durable and can be used with oil, acrylic or watercolor paints.
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