Learn suggested LIMITED PALETTES colors!
by June Boxman
Each palette has 1 “Red,” 1 “Blue” and 1 “Yellow”!
By mixing these you can create all the colors of the color wheel.
Delicate Palette 1 (High Intensity - Creates beautiful violets and greens for flowers:)
Rose Madder Genuine (your red)
Cobalt Blue (your blue)
Aureolin (your yellow)
You can add to this:
Maganese Blue
Viridian (You cannot make this color. It can flake when it dries, however, it is an important color)
Permanent Magenta
Delicate Palette 2:
Permanent Magenta (your red)
Ultramarine Violet
Standard Palette:
Cadmium Red (medium)
French Ultramarine
New Gamboge Or Indian Yellow
You can add to this:
Transparent Yellow
Cadmium Scarlet (Red Light)
Cadmium Lemon
Phthalosionine Yellow Green
Hookers Green
Cadmium Orange
(Some are transparent and some are opaque. Do not mix transparents with opaques.
It will be transparent or opaque, depending how you use them.)
Intense Palette (All transparents and high intensity.
However, not great for valid violets):
Winsor Red (your red)
Winsor Blue Red Shade (Phtolo Blue)
Winsor Lemon
You can add to this:
Phthlo Blue Green
Phthalo Green (Winsor Green -Yellow Shade)
Winsor Orange
Thioindigo Violet
Alternate Violets (for better violets in the intense palettes)
Winsor Violet (Dioxazine Violet)
Thioindigo Violet
Opaque Palette (Low Intensity Colors):
Indian Red
Cerulean Blue
Yellow Ochre
You can add to this:
Naples Yellow (great color - you can't make it)
Old Masters Pallet:
Burnt Sienna
Paynes Grey
Raw Sienna
You can add to this:
Ivory Black
Neutral Tint
Olive Green
(These will be transparent or opaque, depending on how you use them.)
Earth Palette (dull):
Brown Madder (Red)
Indigo (Blue)
Quinacridone Gold (Yellow)
Bright Earth Palette:
Perylene Maroon
Indanthrene Blue
Raw Sienna
You can add to this:
Quin Gold
Indanthrene Blue
Olive Green
Alternate Traditional Palette:
Alizarin Crimson
French Ultramarine
Transparent Yellow
Spring Palette:
Rose Madder Genuine
Cobalt Blue
Summer Palette:
Alizarin Crimson
French Ultramarine
Cobalt Blue
New Gamboge
Winter Palette:
Winsor Red
Phtlo Blue
Winsor Lemon
Fall Palette:
Perylene Maroon
Indanthrene Blue
Cerulean Blue
Quin Gold
Split Palettes (Mix only left side colors together or right side colors together to avoid creating muds)
Left side
Cadmium Red Light, Winsor Red and Permanent Red
Prussian Blue, Phhtalo Blue (red or green shade)
Indian Yellow
Right side
Alizarin Crimson, Carmine and Permanent Rose (beautiful)
French Ultramarine (Violets Or Quin Violet)
Cad Lemon and Winsor Lemon
(Remember: in this "Split Palette," do not cross over the line for blending)
Remember, none of this is written in stone!
Happy Painting!
From "Color" by Betty Edwards
About his ten-year study of color, Farbenlehre, German writer and scientist Johann Goethe (11749-1832) said:
"As for what I have done as a poet, I take no pride in it whatever... But that in my century I am the only person who knows the truth in the difficult science of colors, of that I say I am not a little proud."
What Constitutes
Harmony in Color?
QNE OF THE as yet unanswered questsions is, "What constitutes harmony in color?" Harmony in color is generally defined as a pleasing arrangement of colors, but the definition tells
us nothing about how to achieve color harmony. In music conversely, the study of harmonics deals with the properties of musical sounds and enables scientists to specify musical harmonies and how to achieve them.
A story is told that the poet and scientist Johann
Goethe, who was not a painter, wondered what constituted harmony in color. Goethe's musician friends had assured him that harmony in music was well understood and codified, but what about color? Goethe went to his artist friends to find out, and, to his surprise and dismay none of them could give him a satisfying answer. It was partly this conundrum that inspired his immense study of color
Farbenlehre. If his friends chided him that searching for rules of harmony
was too restrictive and uncreative, Goethe defended himself by saying that it was important to know the rules, if only to for the privilege of breaking the.
Nearly every writer on color proposes one theory or another on how to achieve harmonious color.
(to be continued)