DAVID A. LEFFEL: Painting the Still Life, Peaches with Delft Mug (2 hour, Oil) DVD
Product Description:
When students think of painting, they may only think about the process of putting paint on canvas. With this two-hour film, artist David A. Leffel shows students how many factors there are in creating a painting. From choosing objects to paint to setting them up to making sure the lighting is right, he goes through the complete set-up process. When he begins to paint, he shows students how to use brush strokes to create the effects he wants, how to choose colors and the kinds of paints he uses to create his works. Students will get to see how he begins the painting and carries it through to fruition in one concise film. Watch a preview clip.
Customer Reviews
Product Reviews
Avila Beach CA
February 26, 2011
I felt there was too much of the artist's philosphy of painting in the DVD, and wished he had spent more time actually painting and discussing technique. His painting is brilliant; I had hoped to learn more.
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