Watercolor Paints
An easel. A brush. A canvas. These are all things that you might associate with an artist, watercolor or not. One thing that a watercolor artists quickly learns - or at least must learn - is that there is a very particular kind of paint that they must use to make high quality art. These paint supplies come in a fair variety of types and colors, ensuring that you don't find yourself feeling limited in how well you are able to express yourself artistically. Which watercolors you choose all depends on you - you might have a lower budget than others. On the other hand, you might be learning and want to focus on only primary colors, while others with more experience may want to play with a more advanced palette. Either way, you'll enjoy yourself!
Watercolor paints are perhaps the most basic part of any watercolor artist's repertoire. It doesn't matter if you have the right brush or easel or canvas, if you don't have the right paint for the job, the job will never get done!