Modern technology has gone far to perfect the art projector. A photograph, magazine cut-out or any sort of picture is placed on the art projector and the image is projected horizontaly onto a wall or canvas, or down on a drawing table for the artist to outline.
The more high-end the projector, the sharper the projected image is. Basically, the higher the price, the more high-end quality you get. If you want to capture every hair and detail, go for something in the $300 range such as the Artograph DESIGNMASTER II or a Kopykake K1000 (both have both horizontal & Vertical projecting). If you need extremely detailed projectors to draw out, that's the Kopykake Kobra (Vertical projecting) or the legendary Artograph MC 250 (horizontal projecting). If you must have the top-of-the-line most precision projections, then look at the BUHL Projector (horizontal projecting). Mid-range very popular models include the Artograph Prism, the Artograph Super Prism and the Kopykake 300XK. If all you need is a basic projection of a Mickey Mouse image, then the Artograph Tracer Jr. will do the trick! (Lower-end projectors require dim-lighting in the room.)
Using a projector is not "cheating!" Did legendary master artist Leonardo da Vinci "cheat" when he invented his own "camera-obscura", the actual precursor to today's modern opaque projector? The art is in the painting, and we believe, more importantly, the blending of different colors together to achieve the right shade is the major talent required. (Our own Sharon is a master expert in this and teaches this in our art school.)
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