Smith Micro POSER and other Graphic & Animation Solutions
Poser and other Smith Micro Graphic and Animation Solutions
Shop our newest array of graphic and animation solutions - Poser®, Anime Studio™, Manga Studio™ and other high-end graphics products by Smith Micro Software (Formerly e Frontier.)
Design your own 3D "Manikins" easily on your MAC or PC. Perfect for artist to draw from as an exactly designed 3-dimensional appearing still-life or "practically living model!"
You will be amazed.
An astonishing tool for your art studio!
Shop our newest array of graphic and animation solutions - Poser®, Anime Studio™, Manga Studio™ and other high-end graphics products by Smith Micro Software (Formerly e Frontier.)
Design your own 3D "Manikins" easily on your MAC or PC. Perfect for artist to draw from as an exactly designed 3-dimensional appearing still-life or "practically living model!"
You will be amazed.
An astonishing tool for your art studio!
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