BEST Navajo Easel
Product Description:
Whatever stage you are at in your art career, you'll be mistaken for the best when you sit down to this Best Navajo Easel. Despite being created with the beginner to intermediate artist in mind, this American oak easel has been made using a hand-rubbed oil finish to accentuate the rich grain of the wood. This easel is not only sturdy but can be folded flat so it can be transported easily wherever you want it. The maximum height of this easel is 60 inches, and is built to accommodate a maximum canvas height of 38 inches. The base covers an area of 26 X 26 inches, perfect whether you have a large studio or you are working from a compact apartment. The small size makes this one easy to pack up and carry with you. It's even shipped fully assembled, so once you get it you can get started right away. Oversized Shipping: $39.95.
Customer Reviews
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This easel is geared toward the beginner and intermediate artists, yet uncompromising in design and make. As all Jack Richeson & Company - BEST products, this one is made from American Red Oak and finished with hand-rubbed with oil. Whether you prefer to sit or stand while working, this easel adjusts for your comfort.
If you are looking for a starter easel that is compact, sturdy, easily transported, then the Navajo Easel is designed for your needs. It folds flat for storage, making this a pleasure to store – especially when space is limited like they are in college dorm rooms and cozy city apartments.

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Oversized Shipping: $39.95
No Handling Charges at Madison Art Ever!
Number 885300
The "NAVAJO" Easel by BEST
No Sales-Tax outside of NJ ever here at!
This easel is geared toward the beginner and intermediate artists, yet uncompromising in design and make. As all Jack Richeson & Company - BEST products, this one is made from American Red Oak and finished with hand-rubbed with oil. Whether you prefer to sit or stand while working, this easel adjusts for your comfort.
If you are looking for a starter easel that is compact, sturdy, easily transported, then the Navajo Easel is designed for your needs. It folds flat for storage, making this a pleasure to store – especially when space is limited like they are in college dorm rooms and cozy city apartments.

Ships by UPS
Ships Assembled
Oversized Shipping: $39.95
No Handling Charges at Madison Art Ever!
Number 885300
The "NAVAJO" Easel by BEST
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