DIVERSIFIED WOODCRAFTS SHAIN Modular Bench - all wood, 2-1/4" MT-20
Product Description:
This Shain Modular Bench is 2-1/4 inch MT-20 and completely made of wood; the side, front and back panels are plywood, and there is maple wood in the bench with a solid maple work area.
This modular bench comes with a sealed storage cabinet to keep artistic materials when not in use. The mortise and tenon construction keeps the joints strong and sturdy.
But all of this high-quality construction wouldn’t mean anything if the artist didn’t see a rich, natural modular bench with aesthetic value. Shain covers their wooden benches with several layers of lacquer to keep it from damage and to give it a natural appeal.
There are three versions of the Shain Wood Bench to for the artist: one drawer-one cabinet, two cabinets with either one or two drawers, and two cabinets, two drawers.
Oversize shipping: $227.95
Customer Reviews
The modular bench is made from side, front and back panels of plywood. Maple wood is also featured in the bench and mortise and tenon construction is used to make the table strong and sturdy. The unit also features a sealed storage cabinet to keep the unit free from paint damage and to keep artistic works and materials in their best condition. The bench is finished with several layers of lacquer for aesthetic appeal and to keep the modular bench looking its best for years to come.
The Shain Modular Bench is available in several models to accommodate the needs of artists. The bench can feature one drawer with one cabinet, two cabinets with one drawer or two cabinets with two drawers. The top of the unit is made from maple that is 1 3/4 inches thick, which can serve as a working space or additional storage space.
The Shain Modular Bench is made of all wood and features a storage cabinet base unit for easy storage. The dovetail constructions of the drawers on the bench make the unit especially durable.
(Oversize Shipping: $227.95)
As anyone who is engaged in a creative pursuit knows, your environment is everything. There are few tools that are as aesthetically pleasing as wood to help you keep your creative juices flowing. And with the Modular Bench - All Wood, 2-1/4" MT-21, that natural surrounding is sure to rub off on you.
There are probably few things that can be as asthetically pleasing to work with than wood. It doesn't matter whether the wood makes up your tools, your floors, worktable or anything else, there's something special about it. That's exactly the feeling you will get when you instal this Modular Bench - All Wood, 2 1/4" MT-21 in your workspace. Not only will it provide a smooth and sturdy work area for you, but it will provide the soft feeling of natural wood that will help your creativity along in the meantime, (Shipping: $227.95)