Logan Mat Cutting Tips and FAQs
Logan Mat Cutting Tips and FAQs
Q: Why am I getting a hook in the corners or a curve in the bevel cut?
A: The blade is probably cutting too deep. Check with your instruction manual to properly adjust your blade so that it barely passes through the mat you are cutting and only scores the backing sheet. Excess blade will flex causing as hook or curve.
Q: Why am I getting overcuts in the corners?
A: The blade is probably cutting too deep. Check with your instruction manual to properly adjust your blade so that it barely passes through the mat you are cutting and only scores the backing sheet. Excess blade start the cut too soon and stop the cut too late causing an overcut.
Q: Is using production stops the fool proof way to get perfect mats?
A: No, production stops are exactly that. Production stops that are used when production mat cutting which is cutting many mats in succession that are the same size. The stops speed the whole process of repeat cuts. They are only accurate if you set them properly and have your blade depth set properly.
Q: Why am I getting a ragged cut?
A: Make sure you are using a proper backing sheet under the mat you are cutting. The best material to use is scrap matboard. Never use self-healing vinyl desk tops pads. A proper backing sheet creates a better finished cut by supporting the face paper of the mat you are cutting. Or your blade may be dull. Change your blades often and whenever starting a new project.
Q: How come I don't cut all the way through the matboard?
A: Make sure you are using a fresh blade. Also make sure you are applying sufficient and even pressure on the cutting head throughout the cut. The last resort would be to increase the blade depth slightly.
Q: Why is my bevel cut going the wrong way?
A: Always cut from the back of the matboard to avoid a reversed bevel. See that you are cutting from the proper sides of the lines. Cutting from the wrong sides of the marked lines will cause a reverse bevel.
Q: Why are my mats not coming out square?
A: First off understand that full sheets of matboard bought at a store will most likely be un-square. To insure all four sides to be square, you must cut all four sides in a perfectly square matcutter. If you still have the problem consult the instruction manual on how to check and re-square your squaring arm. (machines that have squaring arms only)
Q: Do I need to buy the most expensive machine to get the best looking mats?
A: No, all Logan mat cutters produce identical looking high quality mats. The more you spend on the equipment the faster, more comfortable and more durable the machine will be. Decide on how much matting you will be doing before purchasing.
Q: Why am I getting a hook in the corners or a curve in the bevel cut?
A: The blade is probably cutting too deep. Check with your instruction manual to properly adjust your blade so that it barely passes through the mat you are cutting and only scores the backing sheet. Excess blade will flex causing as hook or curve.
Q: Why am I getting overcuts in the corners?
A: The blade is probably cutting too deep. Check with your instruction manual to properly adjust your blade so that it barely passes through the mat you are cutting and only scores the backing sheet. Excess blade start the cut too soon and stop the cut too late causing an overcut.
Q: Is using production stops the fool proof way to get perfect mats?
A: No, production stops are exactly that. Production stops that are used when production mat cutting which is cutting many mats in succession that are the same size. The stops speed the whole process of repeat cuts. They are only accurate if you set them properly and have your blade depth set properly.
Q: Why am I getting a ragged cut?
A: Make sure you are using a proper backing sheet under the mat you are cutting. The best material to use is scrap matboard. Never use self-healing vinyl desk tops pads. A proper backing sheet creates a better finished cut by supporting the face paper of the mat you are cutting. Or your blade may be dull. Change your blades often and whenever starting a new project.
Q: How come I don't cut all the way through the matboard?
A: Make sure you are using a fresh blade. Also make sure you are applying sufficient and even pressure on the cutting head throughout the cut. The last resort would be to increase the blade depth slightly.
Q: Why is my bevel cut going the wrong way?
A: Always cut from the back of the matboard to avoid a reversed bevel. See that you are cutting from the proper sides of the lines. Cutting from the wrong sides of the marked lines will cause a reverse bevel.
Q: Why are my mats not coming out square?
A: First off understand that full sheets of matboard bought at a store will most likely be un-square. To insure all four sides to be square, you must cut all four sides in a perfectly square matcutter. If you still have the problem consult the instruction manual on how to check and re-square your squaring arm. (machines that have squaring arms only)
Q: Do I need to buy the most expensive machine to get the best looking mats?
A: No, all Logan mat cutters produce identical looking high quality mats. The more you spend on the equipment the faster, more comfortable and more durable the machine will be. Decide on how much matting you will be doing before purchasing.
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