AMACO Furniture Kits-Excel KilnsFK-399 (Cone 10)
Product Description:
AMACO Furniture Kits-Excel KilnsFK-399 (Cone 10) The AMACO Furniture Kit - FK-399 is designed to fit perfectly within the EXCEL Kiln 1099SF and is capable of handling firing up to Cone 10. This kit comes with a variety of shelf supports to allow a diverse range of configurations within the kiln, and all but one set of the shelf supports are 1"x1" in width. It's easy to swap out different support structures to create the precise internal design necessary to support whatever projects each fire houses. Each kit also includes a four-pound carton of the AMACO Kiln Shelf Wash, which not only helps extend the life of the shelves but also makes removing glaze drippings a snap.
Included in the kit are nine each of different sized shelf supports, including 1", 2", 4", 6", and 8" plus 11/2" x 11/"2 x 10" supports and eight 26" x 13" x 1" half octagon shelves
Included in the kit are nine each of different sized shelf supports, including 1", 2", 4", 6", and 8" plus 11/2" x 11/"2 x 10" supports and eight 26" x 13" x 1" half octagon shelves
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