Home: Wonders of Life (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Astronomers have been exploring the vast cosmos for years and now are on the brink of locating planets in other systems that could sustain life. Planets located the right distance from their suns with the right chemical components have been identified. Professor Brian Cox speaks in this informative DVD series about his own thought an highlights what has made Earth a home and looking into what basic components are necessary in order for life to get started on another planet.
While we are still a long ways away from the days of popular science fiction movies and TV shows, It is more and more likely that space exploration will expand well beyond our current limits and the new solar systems and planets will be discovered. On these planets life may already be established or may be ripe for its first start. Only time and further study will reveal the truth about life as we know it on other planets and in other solar systems.
Home: Wonders of Life
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-0-81609-277-2
- Run Time: 50 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2013
- Closed Captioned