Counterfeit Products: Scammed (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Counterfeit Products: Scammed (Enhanced DVD) Careful where you purchase your designer sports items because they may be counterfeit goods. There are endless victims who thought they were buying genuine products only to learn they were fakes. In an attempt to help consumers the video Counterfeit Products is available to help you learn how to spot a phony. One way to buy counterfeit goods is over the internet. This is why sites such as eBay have online support to help clamp down on piracy and fake items sold to unsuspecting buyers. Locally fake goods are found at pubs, markets, fairs or flea markets. Selling fake goods in these venues makes it harder to trace fraud pushers once a person buys from them.
Crises lines and hotline numbers are available for victims who think they were sold counterfeit goods. But it must be remembered that counterfeit pushers are not easily found.
This video puts a spotlight on fake sports memorabilia being sold as originals. Fake sporting products is big business with products topping more than $960 billion in one year. This is because counterfeit goods in the sports world is growing. Leagues including the NFL and NBA joined with federal investigation teams to target counterfeit rings to put a stop to them. The crack down is on to put an end to piracy and taking advantage of unsuspecting victims.
Crises lines and hotline numbers are available for victims who think they were sold counterfeit goods. But it must be remembered that counterfeit pushers are not easily found.
This video puts a spotlight on fake sports memorabilia being sold as originals. Fake sporting products is big business with products topping more than $960 billion in one year. This is because counterfeit goods in the sports world is growing. Leagues including the NFL and NBA joined with federal investigation teams to target counterfeit rings to put a stop to them. The crack down is on to put an end to piracy and taking advantage of unsuspecting victims.
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-161753-812-4
- Run time: 21 Minutes
- Copyright date: 2011
- CC
Customer Reviews
In the crime world, counterfeit products are common and created by criminals in order to earn a substantial profit. In the world of sports memorabilia in particular, counterfeit products have made many criminals rich. Counterfeiting as a whole is a multi-billion dollar industry with criminals in almost every country.
It is estimated that about 10 percent of sports memorabilia is counterfeited. Consumer demand largely drives counterfeiting fraud. It can be difficult to determine that particular items are counterfeited, and it can also be hard to prove that particular dealers are selling items that they knew were fraudulent. In this episode of Scammed, experts speak at the largest sports memorabilia convention in the world about the extent of counterfeiting. Agent Fitzsimmons of the FBI is also consulted about Operation Bullpen, a major bust conducted by his unit that resulted in the termination of a forgery operation.
The final topic covers a couple who received a counterfeit product as a prize, which resulted in a fire hazard that cost them the lives of their two children. Some of the content in this documentary may be considered to be objectionable. Viewer discretion is advised.
Counterfeit Products: ScammedEnhanced DVD ISBN: 978-1-61753-812-4 Run Time: 21 Minutes Copyright Date: 2011 CC
It is estimated that about 10 percent of sports memorabilia is counterfeited. Consumer demand largely drives counterfeiting fraud. It can be difficult to determine that particular items are counterfeited, and it can also be hard to prove that particular dealers are selling items that they knew were fraudulent. In this episode of Scammed, experts speak at the largest sports memorabilia convention in the world about the extent of counterfeiting. Agent Fitzsimmons of the FBI is also consulted about Operation Bullpen, a major bust conducted by his unit that resulted in the termination of a forgery operation.
The final topic covers a couple who received a counterfeit product as a prize, which resulted in a fire hazard that cost them the lives of their two children. Some of the content in this documentary may be considered to be objectionable. Viewer discretion is advised.
Counterfeit Products: Scammed
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