Military Targeted for Identity Theft: Scammed (Enhanced DVD)

Military Targeted for Identity Theft: Scammed (Enhanced DVD)
Witness the struggle military families face when they become targets of identity theft, how the internet plays a key role in identity crime, and how you can protect yourself from scams.
Item Code: FI-52093

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Product Description:
Military Targeted for Identity Theft: Scammed (Enhanced DVD) Imagine spending months overseas defending your country, only to return home and find your identity has been stolen. Sounds like the plot to a movie, doesn't it? For soldiers like George Galvez, it's all too real. In this installment of Scammed we are introduced to the growing plight of military members who find themselves targeted by identity thieves.

It may seem surprising, but military personnel are particularly vulnerable to this crime. Long deployments out of the country make it easier for thieves to operate for extended periods of time. The results are devastating, leaving already emotionally-taxed soldiers to pick up the pieces of their lives. Even more shocking, identity theft has been affecting the military for decades. With the prevalence of the internet today it has exploded into an epidemic.

Viewers are taken deep into the dark side of the Web to discover how easily criminals get a hold of military personnel information. We also learn what can be done to avoid identity theft and the costly repercussions that come from not practicing due diligence online. Some content may not be suitable for everyone so viewer discretion is advised.

Military Targeted for Identity Theft: Scammed
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-811-7
  • Run Time: 22 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC

Customer Reviews

There has been a major increase in identity theft throughout the United States in recent years. However, the military has long been a vulnerable target. In this episode of Scammed, the story of a young soldier is detailed. He returns home to find that his credit rating has been ruined and that his identity was stolen. He was able to prove that he was stationed in Iraq during this time, however he can’t undo his bad credit and his life starts to slowly unravel. Identity theft is common amongst soldiers who have been deployed, and it can be difficult for them to combat it due to their many responsibilities.

We also explore the modern dangers of the internet and how they can easily make people victims of identity theft. Details are discussed about how to avoid giving up important personal details that can lead to identity theft for those who are not familiar with online scams. At the end of the documentary, it covers a case about a family that targeted landlords by using information from rental agreements in order to steal their identities. Some of the content in this documentary may be considered to be objectionable by some. Viewer discretion is advised. (22 minutes)

Military Targeted for Identity Theft: Scammed
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-811-7
  • Run Time: 22 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC
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