Dealing with Abusive and Threatening Calls (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Working at a call center can be challenging. Especially when angry, frustrated customers call in. Sometimes callers see you as an anonymous voice without a person attached. This gives them license to hide behind their own anonymity and express their complaints in very negative ways. Being treated harshly on the phone can shake you and leave you quite stressed. It isn’t just call center employees. All of us receive unwanted calls, at home and work. Telemarketers are often relentless, no matter how politely you try to end the call. Though prank calls are more difficult to make without having the number identified, it doesn’t mean they no longer exist. Let Psychologist Eve Ash teach you ways to navigate through these calls skillfully. She offers her best advice on staying calm, diffusing anger, resolving differences and completing a call successfully. Whether you work in a call center, operate a small business or work from home, Ash provides excellent advice.
Dealing with Abusive and Threatening Calls
Dealing with Abusive and Threatening Calls
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-62290-900-1
- Run Time: 15 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2001
- CC
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