6 Ways to Resolve Conflict (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
If the end of war is the result of diplomatic intervention, similar models of resolution applied to conflict in the organizational environment show that universal ethics and laws are attendant to peace. In the everyday world of business, conflict resolution is a management skill requiring leadership in the form of governance, and an adeptness in communications. In 6 Ways to Resolve Conflict (2001) viewers are introduced to conflict resolution techniques and policy formation.
Managers acknowledge that resolving conflict is one of challenges in any workplace. Conflict has a negative impact on morale and organizational productivity. The fact is, that human beings are prone to contest. If an issue exceeds all possible solutions at hand, and the parties are unable to mutually assent to disagreement or solve the problem, mediation is often demanded. Logic modelling is advocated as a method of depict conflict and the path to solution in graphical illustration.
This program provides six (6) practical conflict management techniques to effectively resolve disagreements between parties in the workplace. Sub-topics include: diplomacy as risk reduction, self-reflection, personal communication style and skills application, reflective questioning, and the potential in positive reinforcement. The film is accompanied by workbook tools available for free online.
6 Ways to Resolve Conflict
ISBN 978-1-62290-895-0
Run Time (15 Minutes)
Copyright 2001
Closed Captioned (CC)
Managers acknowledge that resolving conflict is one of challenges in any workplace. Conflict has a negative impact on morale and organizational productivity. The fact is, that human beings are prone to contest. If an issue exceeds all possible solutions at hand, and the parties are unable to mutually assent to disagreement or solve the problem, mediation is often demanded. Logic modelling is advocated as a method of depict conflict and the path to solution in graphical illustration.
This program provides six (6) practical conflict management techniques to effectively resolve disagreements between parties in the workplace. Sub-topics include: diplomacy as risk reduction, self-reflection, personal communication style and skills application, reflective questioning, and the potential in positive reinforcement. The film is accompanied by workbook tools available for free online.
6 Ways to Resolve Conflict
ISBN 978-1-62290-895-0
Run Time (15 Minutes)
Copyright 2001
Closed Captioned (CC)
Customer Reviews
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