The Rendille: Disappearing World (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
This documentary, suitable for educational use, examines the culture of the Rendille people of Northern Kenya as they struggle to sustain their ancient way of life. The Rendille people, who are nomadic pastoralists, are dependent on their camels for sustenance. They grow no food, and cultivate only a few goats and sheep. The older men, women and children live in semi-permanent villages. However, the camel herds have to constantly move in order to find enough food. Therefore, the Rendille require the young men of the tribe to serve fourteen years in the combination role of fighter/herdsmen, moving and protecting the camels while they search for water and grazing. However, more and more young men of the Rendille are abandoning the tribe for the more modern life of Kenya's larger cities, particularly Nairobi, leaving the traditional lifestyle of the Rendille people in jeopardy.
The Rendille: Disappearing World
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-62290-552-2
- Run Time: 51 Minutes
- Copy Right Date: 1977
- CC