Rich China: An Emerging Class of Wealthy Elites (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Pulling up outside of The Sports Car Club in Beijing, China, young, hip men and woman parade their automobiles with the rest of the elite class. Whereas in the 70’s, mobs would attack or even kill those who flaunted their excessive wealth, it is now congratulated and revered. Through this fast-paced, exciting, educational documentary, you can see how the “Ka-Ching Dynasty” came about and how millionaires are popping up throughout China. Take a close look into the extravagant lives of the Chinese elite and how a taxi driver turned into a millionaire. Taste the delectable food of South Beauty, a thriving eatery chain. Explore the minds of entrepreneurs and how they came rule China as well as change the culture of the nation. Most importantly, expose yourself to what the Chinese are doing right as well as how this wealth might go as quickly as it came.
Rich China: An Emerging Class of Wealthy Elites
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-62290-226-2
- Run Time: 28 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2012
- CC