The Man Who Walks on Fire (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
It all starts with a fire pit. There are two choices. One is a smaller pit and one is a larger one. Hugh Bromiley instructs the participants to find a special relationship with the fire and to make a list of fears they write on paper and then cast into to flames.
Hugh Bromiley teaches how overcoming fears makes walking on fire feel like walking across cool green grass. This is an astounding claim. Nevertheless, the proof in shown in the DVD, that regular people can indeed walk across hot fire coals without getting burned. To be clear, some of them experience heat, but all of them experience a transition from fear to mastery of fear.
In an effort of full disclosure, there is a trick to fire-walking. The fires are started and left to burn for quite a while. Even though the base of the fire where the coals are red hot is very high temperature, the surface of the fire is covered by ash, which serves as a form of insulation. With the proper technique, of moving swiftly across the surface of the ash and not remaining in contact with the heat of the fire below, it is possible for just about anyone to become a fire-walker.
Because the physics of this effort are achievable, this does not necessarily make the emotional effort to overcome fear any easier. This is what the teachings of Hugh Bromiley are all about. The fire pit appears to be very dangerous. Just put a hand above it and the heat is very apparent. The ash above the coals is not red hot, but it is not perfectly safe either. Ready to try this? Watch this enhanced DVD to learn how.
The Man Who Walks on Fire
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-62290-154-8
- Run Time: 40 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 1986
- CC
- Public performance rights included