Natural Highs: Body Hits, Series 1 (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Humans have an inalienable desire and to avoid pain and search for pleasure. This documentary addresses the pleasurable side of our behavior and what and why we get such joy from certain activities. It investigates the very nature of pleasure and what drives us along the pathways towards it. Some of the content may be objectionable as it explores the pleasure we get from sex, dancing, eating and from thrills like extreme sports. It further explains why some of these activities are considered addictive. Dr. John Marsden uses the film to talk about the chemical aspects of pleasure, explaining the effects of cannabinoids, opioids, endorphins and others, that occur naturally in our bodies. These naturally occuring chemicals have characteristics mimicked by synthetic chemicals to provide pleasure. In this film, three case studies are explored. Salsa dancers, an extreme sports participant and a fell runner who races up and down mountains discuss their feelings before, during and following participating in these activities. They attempt to explain the addictive feelings they get from them and why they have a desire to repeat those feelings.
Natural Highs: Body Hits, Series 1
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-62290-067-1
- Run Time: 30 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2003
- CC