Mission Possible: Cradle-to-Cradle Design (DVD)
Product Description:
Learn how German chemist Michael Braungart, along with American architect, William McDonough, propose that the world would benefit from being able to reuse everything that is manufactured if companies would take a stand in using materials that are biodegradable. See how they believe this process, called cradle-to-cradle, can be carried out to save the world from unnecessary. waste. Watch how they are having difficulties with waste management corporations because they would be out of business if this were to actually occur. The film will look in-depth at the prospect, including several different companies that are manufacturing their wares to be recyclable already. This will look at airline seating, furniture, clothing dyes and even biodegradable lingerie to show how different things that are made can be reused in other ways later.
Mission Possible: Cradle-to-Cradle Design
- ISBN: 978-1-61733-235-7
- Run Time: 44 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2009
- CC