The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (six-part series - DVD)
Product Description:
Money is not evil, but it is the root of all evil, as explained in this powerful revealing documentary. This particular series takes the viewer inside the financial plots, plans, and collaborations that have been in play for centuries. The world finally learns of the clouds and thunder behind the failures and successes of major corporations and industries from the renowned historian Niall Ferguson. This segment unravels the mystery behind the orgin of specific markets, the innovation of their monetary systems, and the ascension of their corporate wealth. Viewers will see first-hand how abstract financial forces nurtured and fueled some of the most powerful influences in the world: the Italian Renaissance, the Dutch and British empires and the American economy, and the impact of the modern day financial crisis the world at large faces. This documentary becomes part of 6 license distributed series, and each DVD runs for 49 minutes.
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
- ISBN: 978-1-60825-301-2
- Run Time: 6-part series, 49 Minutes each
- Copyright Date: 2008
- CC