Fredrix 12x16 Canvas Panels (Box of 3 Dozen)
Product Description:
Fredrix 12x16 Canvas Panels (Box of 3 Dozen) These 12" x 16" in, 30.5 x 40.6 cm, Canvas Panels are sized for multiple applications and are inexpensive enough to use for projects, practice and final work. This is a fine, closely woven artist canvas make of first-quality materials. The canvas is prepared for use by proper sizing and priming. Additionally, the texture of the surface has the right tooth to grip the artist’s paint with the least possible vehicle absorption. These characteristics are carefully designed into the product to provide the best support for a range of painting activities and multiple mediums. You won’t find a better hand turned canvas panel for any price. These are inexpensive enough to be used by the serious artist sketching and for use with students who need to work on professional surfaces as they perfect their technique. Sold as a Case of 36.
(Overweight Shipping [26 lbs]: $30.70)