Today and Tomorrow Video (DVD)
Product Description:
Today and Tomorrow Video(VHS/DVD). Music of our time is harder to assess; we should remember that today’s war-horses were in their own time shockingly modern, and that contemporary audiences often spurned those whom we most venerate today. This program presents a broad cross-section of modern music and musical trends, leaving to listeners the guess as to which will be tomorrow’s classics. Contents include excerpts from: Lennon and McCartney’s When I’m 64; Var?se’s Ionization; Stravinsky’s The Firebird, Rite of Spring, Symphony in C; Copland’s El Sal?n M?xico; Tippett’s Double String Concerto; Messiaen’s Pentecostal Mass; Stockhausen’s Kontakte; Boulez’ Le Marteau sans ma?tre; Berio’s A-Ronne; Ligeti’s Melodien; Nono’s La Fabbrica Illuminata; Henze’s El Cimarr?n; Cage’s Improvisations from "Songbooks." (60 minutes)
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