Silentaire Pressure Gauge, side mount

One of the key pieces of any Silentaire compressors, this pressure gauge keeps an eye on the heart of the compressor - the regulator.
Item Code: #ST-C0026

Sale-Price: $24.50

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Product Description:

The side mount pressure gauge is important enough that it is often referred to simply as the regulator gauge. After all, the SilentAire compressor side gauge does screw right into the regulator. This regulation of pressure ensures that the air compressor is properly hooked up and working. When the pressure gauge remains at zero, or remains low, a problem may be occurring. Without this vital piece, determining how much pressure the air compressor is generating is impossible.

These SilentAire compressors leverage maximum performance and value while delivering on minimal sound. Each unit type is engineered with long term use in mind, making sure to incorporate moisture traps and electrical safety features. This pressure gauge is one of many parts that make the SilentAire compressor an excellent choice.

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