Persian Miniature: The Gardens of Paradise Video (DVD)
Product Description:
Works of Persian art, poetry, and culture are shown in this DVD program. Nezami the poet's love poem, Islamic manuscripts and calligraphy are shown in the video. The art, colors, motifs, tradition, culture, clothing, gardens, meanings, and the creation of a pretend world of Persian miniatures are also outlined and given some analysis, This Persian art, poetry, and culture history DVD is an excellent blend of description and visuals and is expertly filmed at the Bibliolitheque Nationale. Recommended as a great watch for art classes, art history classrooms, poetry classes, and Persian culture, Persian poetry and Persian art lectures. Lovers of Persian art, poetry, and culture in addition to art history in general appreciaters will like this thorough DVD program.
- Program Running Time: Thirty-One Minutes
- 2002
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