Melissa & Doug Sea Turtle - Plush
Product Description:
The sea turtle is an essential animal in the aquatic ecosystem of the sea. Marine turtles are key to the evolution of oceans and coastal biosphere. Sea turtles sustain themselves by living off sea grass. Grazing for food intake, the sea turtle trims the ocean floor, sustaining the health of the sea bed.
Submerged under water for extensive periods of time, the sea turtle has an energetic anaerobic system; enabling instant refill of the lungs in one breathe. Covered by a unique shell, these animals are at home no matter in or out of the water.
The Melissa & Doug Sea Turtle – Plush is made of high quality synthetic fur materials. Constructed with lifelike features, this three foot long fellow is an adorable and comforting toy companion on the go.
Item Dimensions: 23.8 inches x 17 inches x 6.5 inches
Weight: 2.2 pounds
Category: Plush - Other Animals
Age Rating: 3+ years
(Oversize shipping: $23.70)