Late Gothic Art and Architecture: England, 1400-1547 Video (DVD)(CC)
Product Description:
Fans of gorgeous, architecture and Gothic art will love this closed captioned video. This documentary is beautifully done and it captures the evolution from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance as depicted in perpendicular architecture and Late Gothic art in England. During the reign of Henry IV all the way through the reign of the notorious Henry VIII, you will take a visual journey through the Tudors, the War of the Roses and even the Hundred Years’ War. During these periods, the artisans and artists in England made jewelry that was exquisite, devotional images and sculptures that were glorious, illuminated manuscripts that were incredible and structures that were monumental. Some of today’s top historians will reinterpret this period for you through their in depth discussions of artists and artisans patronage, the artistic relations that England had with the Continent, as well as the fundamental importance that religion had in regards to the society of that particular time period. This documentary is on a 47 minute DVD. Photography, Art History 2003.
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