Greek Vases in the British Museum Video (DVD)

A documentary video that showcases the history of Greek vases, based on the British Museum’s famous collection.
Item Code: FI-8843

List $149.95
Sale-Price: $141.99
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Product Description:
To get important clues into Greek art and life, the vases of ancient Greece; beginning from the handmade pottery to the typical black-and-red figure vases of Athens, are used.

Greek Vases in the British Museum Video (DVD) narrates the history of Greek vases starting from 6000 BC to the 4th century. It also showcases the methods used to create them, examines the design and functionality of various vase shapes, and shows how legends, themes of life, myths, birth, work, death, and play symbols were showed on the vases.

Play duration is 31 minutes and supports both VHS and DVD video formats. Get a hand on one to experience this part of Greek culture.
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