1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Foundation White #261

Use our foundation white for its quick-drying properties that is especially useful for priming and underpainting.
Item Code: WN1-25-261

List $10.45
Sale-Price: $6.27
You Save: $4.18 (40%)

Product Description:

Because of its short drying time, foundation white is ideal for underpainting because it can be used successfully in painting in layers without enduring long dry times. Its characteristics lend itself well in the preparation of the canvas by providing a robust foundation for the first few layers. This heavier foundation helps prevent cracks and allows for better adhesion of subsequent layers of paint. In addition, this allows for building structure to aid in crafting one-of-a-kind color combinations and effects.   

With lead white as the primary pigment, lead, zinc oxide, linseed and sand oil make up the ingredients for this popular choice among professionals and hobbyists alike. The flexibility, strength and quick-drying attributes make this a popular choice for the best results in the shortest time possible.

The beauty of underpainting using foundation white in the beginning is made more obvious by the color blending effects possible when painting in layers. The layers of paint won’t interfere with each other and will produce the desired effects that underpainting, when performed properly, can yield.   

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