1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Cobalt Violet #192

This artist quality oil paint is a must for painting florals, landscapes or sunsets. The pigment-rich formula is emollient and rich, perfect for painting wildflowers, the shading of trees on a mountainside, or the violet hues of a darkening summer sky at sundown.
Item Code: WN1-25-192

List $56.75
Sale-Price: $34.05
You Save: $22.70 (40%)

Product Description:

Sweet is the scent of budding wildflowers, to which butterflies and honey bees flock.  See their bright yellow bodies flitting from purple petal to petal, pollinating as they go. A summer breeze gently blows and the tall grasses sway, the bright purple flowers moving with the wind as if part of a beautifully choreographed dance.

Perhaps the only competition for the wild flowers is the setting sun at the end of a long summer day. There again we see the majestic colors of nature, flooding our eyes and souls with our favorite hues of the season. Dusk comes, and we see violet again in the sleepy summer sky. 

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