Boost Your Confidence (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
A lot of people have issues with self-confidence, including CEOs and movie stars. They can suffer from self-confidence crises. However, they have strategies and tools for dealing with their self-confidence issues. They use these tools to control and master their self-doubts and anxiety.
Boost Your Confidence is a program that will show you how to take ideas from them, to get out of discomfort and to get more out of your life. There are a wide range of topics covered including negative self-talk, victim mentality, negative friends, feeling fear, setbacks as well as positive topics like finding new opportunities, achieving more, making yourself feel better, getting what you want, and more. (64 minutes)
Segments in this video include:
Introducing the Experts (02:31) – Nigel Palmer, Tania Prince, Jo Ward, James Leeper, Michael Maynard, Sharon Langord, Bernard Pearce and Davina Lloyd introduce themselves and discuss their achievements and credentials.
1 - Introduction: What is Confidence (01:43) – The experts discuss the different dimensions of confidence and misconceptions about who has it and how it is gained.
2 - The Media: Negative Programming? (02:49) – Experts discuss how the media makes us feel helpless, fearful and inadequate without us being aware of its effect.
3 - Negative Friends: Time to Let Go (02:39) – Go through your friendships and determine who is a drain on you and who is adding more to your life. Consider the type of energy this person radiates and the type of energy you radiate and the types of people that are drawn to you.
4 - Meeting New People: A New Start (01:47) – The experts discuss techniques to make meeting new people less anxiety inducing.
Boost Your Confidence Enhanced DVD ISBN: 978-0-81608-820-1 Run Time: 64 Minutes Copyright Date: 2010 CC
Boost Your Confidence is a program that will show you how to take ideas from them, to get out of discomfort and to get more out of your life. There are a wide range of topics covered including negative self-talk, victim mentality, negative friends, feeling fear, setbacks as well as positive topics like finding new opportunities, achieving more, making yourself feel better, getting what you want, and more. (64 minutes)
Segments in this video include:
Boost Your Confidence
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