Like a Phoenix Out of the Ashes: The Reopening of La Fenice—The Italian Opera House Trilogy (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
La Fenice- “The Phoenix’’- got its name after it was closed due to major fire breakdown. It reopened in 1792 after this tragedy. Another tragedy struck in 1836 but it restricted itself again to arrange premieres of Verdi, Wagner and Stravinsky. Strikingly, the theater was destroyed once again due to a major fire breakdown in 1996. This program highlights the renovation of La Fenice which started in 2001 after the major tragedy of 1996. In this program, the major proponents like Wood carvers, painters, sound experts talk about their hard work that went behind restructuring La Fenice. Viewers also pay respect to the hard work of skilled laborers who put their best foot forward in renovating this major opera house after the ghastly tragedy. ( Like a Phoenix Out of the Ashes: The Reopening of La Fenice—The Italian Opera House Trilogy, Enhanced DVD, 44 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-882-7
Copy Right Date: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-61753-882-7
Copy Right Date: 2004
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