Decision Making in Groups (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Working together calls for brainstorming and sharing different ideas. Undoubtedly, various opinions surface, which can cause tensions and derail productivity. In this short 15-minute program, students or employees will learn about how everyone makes different choices and how to consider all of those choices when embarking on a group project. If a classroom or workplace has always had issues with majority-vote decision making, random-choice decision making, minority-vote decision making, consensus decision making, expert decision making, and gut-feeling decision making, this enhanced DVD will go over all of these decision making aspects and how to properly and effectively learn and implement these in the future. Augment the experience with additional written materials.
Decision Making in Groups (Enhanced DVD)
Decision Making in Groups (Enhanced DVD)
- ISBN: 978-1-62290-893-6
- Run time: 15 minutes
- Copyright date: 2001
- CC
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