Evidence in Argument: Critical Thinking (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
The key to a winning argument is more than just having the right facts. This video shows how to use critical thinking to organize and portray evidence in the best light to make the winning case. Viewers learn how to present the facts - numbers, percentages, rates and over time - in a meaningful way to bolster their position. "We tend to think that facts speak for themselves, but it's just not that simple," says Roy van den Brink-Budge, author of "Critical Thinking for Students." The video applies these principles in an argument against zoos, giving the viewers a chance to observe how evidence is best used to support an argument. Van den Brink-Budget offers his own analysis of the zoo example. The video includes an online worksheet, which can be viewed and printed. This video is part of a series, "Critical Thinking."
Evidence in Argument: Critical Thinking
Using evidence effectively for a winning argument
Evidence in Argument: Critical Thinking
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-61753-452-2
- Run Time: 25 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2009
- CC
Using evidence effectively for a winning argument
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