Assistive Technology: Powerful Solutions for Success (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
This video explores the benefits of assistive technology in the classroom. New developments in hardware and software provide multiple channels through which teachers can address different learning styles. This is especially advantageous for students with disabilities. Assistive technology (AT) enables them to compensate for their disability while developing their strengths.
Produced according to Universal Design principles for learning, the video contains footage of classrooms where low- to mid-AT solutions are being successfully implemented to help students with disabilities gain confidence and independence.
This product provides information on auditory process supports- Inspiration software, interactive whiteboards, and FM Classroom Amplification systems- that help students with hearing impairments effectively engage with the curriculum.
AT products that offer fine-motor skill support for writing tasks- AlphaSmart, UltraKey, MathPad Plus, Franklin Spellers, Ginger software, and Livescribe's Pulse Smartpen- are also covered.
Assistive reading devices and software are also described. These tools prove especially helpful for students who have difficulty reading standard print due to a learning disability, such as dyslexia, or a visual impairment. Products included in this segment include WYNN software, Kurzweil 3000, TestTalker, the WizCom Reading Pen, and materials available through Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic.
Providing adaptations for students with disabilities is required by law. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandate the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
This video is appropriate for parents, classroom teachers, school administrators, and professors in university teacher-preparation programs.
Assistive Technology: Powerful Solutions for Success (Enhanced DVD)
Produced according to Universal Design principles for learning, the video contains footage of classrooms where low- to mid-AT solutions are being successfully implemented to help students with disabilities gain confidence and independence.
This product provides information on auditory process supports- Inspiration software, interactive whiteboards, and FM Classroom Amplification systems- that help students with hearing impairments effectively engage with the curriculum.
AT products that offer fine-motor skill support for writing tasks- AlphaSmart, UltraKey, MathPad Plus, Franklin Spellers, Ginger software, and Livescribe's Pulse Smartpen- are also covered.
Assistive reading devices and software are also described. These tools prove especially helpful for students who have difficulty reading standard print due to a learning disability, such as dyslexia, or a visual impairment. Products included in this segment include WYNN software, Kurzweil 3000, TestTalker, the WizCom Reading Pen, and materials available through Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic.
Providing adaptations for students with disabilities is required by law. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandate the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
This video is appropriate for parents, classroom teachers, school administrators, and professors in university teacher-preparation programs.
Assistive Technology: Powerful Solutions for Success (Enhanced DVD)
- ISBN: 978-1-61733-959-2
- Copyright Date: 2009
- Length: 37 minutes
- Closed Captioned
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