Liam: Advertising Exec or Entrepreneur? (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Liam wants to become a millionaire but does not know what type of business he wants to start or how to start one. A life coach works with Liam to help him more clearly define his goals and gain experience in some of the areas he is interested in. He visits with successful business owners and find that it takes long hours, hard work, and serious passion in order to accomplish business success. He choses advertising as his first career choice in his road to attaining wealth. He finds that business school will offer interning experiences and help him build up his network of contacts for future ventures that he may work on. (26 minutes)
Segments in this video include:
Choosing a Career (01:07) Students should think about the careers that they are interested in and focus on what is most important to them.
Meet Liam - Liam: Advertising Exec or Entrepreneur? (03:49) - Liam is interested in entering the business world but has no idea how to do it.
Challenge #1 - Apprentice Entrepreneur (03:57) Liam job shadows a successful businessperson.
Feedback: Challenge #1 - Apprentice Entrepreneur (00:49) Liams approach did not improve sales.
Challenge #2 - Design Business (04:11) Liam works for a design company to see if he is passionate about it.
Challenge #3 - Pitching to Investors (04:27) Liam pitches a business idea to veteran investors.
Should Liam Start with University? (04:00) He takes a look at the University of Bradford.
Career Decision Made (01:16) He has three months to consider the things he has learned and make a decision about his career.
Liam: Advertising Exec or Entrepreneur?
Enhanced DVD
ISBN: 978-1-61733-905-9
Run Time: 26 Minutes
Copyright Date: 2007
Segments in this video include:
Should Liam Start with University? (04:00) He takes a look at the University of Bradford.
Liam: Advertising Exec or Entrepreneur?
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