RICHESON 48" Heavy-Duty Stretcher Bar #890029

RICHESON 48" Heavy-Duty Stretcher Bar #890029
Item Code: JR890029

List $20.95
Sale-Price: $16.79
You Save: $4.16 (20%)

Product Description:
A 48” heavy duty BEST stretcher bar made from finger spliced pine, and it is a great choice for any artist who wants high quality stretcher bars for their most prized works. The finger splicing method removes defects like knots and gets splinters out of the wood. Creates nice 45 degree angles, and the rounded back stretches out the canvas nicely and makes an even surface to paint on. High quality and designed for longevity, these stretcher bars do not easily wear down over time. They will not bow along their edges, and they will also protect the canvas from “ghost lines” which can show up when the stretcher bars are too close to the canvas.
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Clearwater, Florida
April 14, 2014

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