Portrait Video (DVD)

Portrait Video  (DVD)
Portraits are a long-standing tradition that can bring both beauty and a conflict between the subject and the painter.
Item Code: FI-7768

List $149.95
Sale-Price: $141.99
You Save: $7.96 (5%)

Product Description:
The portrait has been an important part of the art scene for centuries. It was once one of the only ways to capture the likeness of a person, and it became established as the best way to immortalize a subject. The painter of a portrait attempts to capture just what the subject looks like, but this is often at odds with what the subject himself wants from the portrait. In this 30-minute video, this conflict is presented along with the history of the portrait. The viewer gets to see an artist paint a wealthy subject during two sittings of three hours each. Questions arise as to whether the subject will accept the painting or whether problems will arise with his portrayal in the painting in this 1997 film.
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