Keencut 24" Rotary Trimmer

Our Keencut 24-inch Rotary Trimmer is guaranteed to have a lifespan of around 20 years or so. The tungsten steel cutting wheels attached inside of the cutter make for the board’s long life. The two clamp rollers also double the gripping effectiveness of the average rotary cutter.  It is capable of slicing everything from a single Kleenex or toilet paper square to aluminum plates up to four inches high. It is adorned with an all-aluminum base, which should also help to give years of top execution. It comes with a 5-year thorough guarantee and since the cutter’s lifespan is designed to last up to two decades or so, it should make the board’s life about as long.  Comes with a month-long (or 30-day) money-back guarantee.

If you are looking for an exc ellent cutter with its own slide, and fits basically anywhere in your studio or home, we have the perfect solution for you with our Keencut 24-inch Rotary Trimmer.

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