Coleman Barks Video (DVD)

Coleman Barks Video  (DVD)
In this DVD program Coleman Barks -Professor Emeritus of English at University of Georgia- discusses his translations of the Sufi poet Jelaluddin Rumi who was a bard of Islam.
Item Code: FI-9304

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Product Description:
In this DVD program Coleman Barks -the Professor Emeritus of English at University of Georgia- discusses his translations of the Sufi poet Jelaluddin Rumi who was a thirteenth century bard of Islam. Journalist Bill Moyers interviews Professor Coleman Barks about his translations and how he is the leading translator currently of Jelaluddin Rumi's poetry. The professor also does some readings of Rumi's poems in this program including: "Love for Clouds", "A Wish", "Final Exam", "Club", and "New Year's Day Now". This DVD is fitting for poetry classes, especially classrooms studying classic/historical poetry. Believers in Islam, fans of Jelaluddin Rumi's poetry, and those familiar with Professor Coleman Barks' translation work may also like this program.

(Twenty-Seven Minutes Length)

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