4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Winsor Blue/Red Shade #706

Oil color from Winsor and Newton in a blue/red shade can instantly bring life to a painting. The color is formulated for smooth application and vibrant color.
Item Code: WN4-706

List $33.30
Sale-Price: $16.65
You Save: $16.65 (50%)

Product Description:

Madison Art Shop offers oil paints at a price that is about 40 percent lower than many other art supply stores. Artists who want quality oil paints in both traditional and modern hues will be satisfied with the visual appeal Winsor & Newton oil colors provide. The blue/red shade is ideal for abstract pieces as well as still-life renderings. Whether the finished oil painting will feature an aspect of nature or a psychological concept, the blue/red pigment can help to accurately illustrate the artist's message. The tube the oil paint comes in is easy to squeeze for just the right amount of color. The tubes also fit in art boxes easily, and the oil color won't dry out prematurely due to the small tube structure.

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