4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Cadmium Red #094

Find the perfect shade of red for any paint project with Winsor & Newton's Artists' Oil in Cadmium Red.
Item Code: WN4-094

List $59.70
Sale-Price: $29.85
You Save: $29.85 (50%)

Product Description:

Winsor & Newton once again delivers on the oil paint front. Oil paints in the internationally renowned art supply company's are individually formulated with only the purest materials to ensure rich, even color during every use. The cadmium red oil color is a high quality, lasting chemical red that is essential to any artist's basic color palette.

The Cadmium Red color can also be lightened or darkened to multiple shades, and as a mixable oil it can also be combined with other colors to form a wide range of other hues. And like all Winsor & Newton's Artists' oil colors, this paint naturally retains texture well from brush strokes and other tools. That said, it can also be thinned out from its primary state into a finer glaze.

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5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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winsor and newton oil colors
January 23, 2016

l have tired other paints but l always return to
Winsor and Newton.l have always been happy with the consistency. l love to paint with those colors

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